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How to raise issues and share feedback

How we share information about the company #

As a co-owner (staff member) at dxw you can expect the company to share information on a regular basis about its aims, priorities, challenges and progress. Being employee owned means dxw is more open about the information it shares than most other organisations.

We will share the following on a regular basis:

Business planning and dxw quarterly performance updates #

Our business plan year kicks-off in July. The annual business planning process is an iterative one, with a number of different inputs:

All staff are invited to attend dxw quarterly performance update meetings with the CEO and OLT to discuss progress against the business plan, our current priorities, major issues and risks.

The People Experience roadmap and dxw quarterly People updates #

The People team own the People Experience roadmap and lead on its implementation, subject to sign-off by the Company Board. Staff will be invited to contribute to implementing aspects of the roadmap, often as part of workshops or time bound project groups.

All staff are invited to attend quarterly meetings with the People team to discuss progress on the roadmap, ask questions and give feedback.

dxw monthly finance clinics #

Monthly finance clinics open to all staff are hosted by the Finance and Resources Director and CEO to share progress against dxw’s financial targets, the headlines from that month, what this means for the company, how staff can help, and answer any related questions.

dxw monthly connect meetings #

Monthly connect meetings open to all staff are an opportunity to discuss any issues relating to the company with a couple of the Directors. These are less formal multi-way conversations which are sometimes themed in response to current issues or might have a completely open agenda.

Where do I go if I want to raise something #

In addition to the above channels, there are a number of ways you can raise issues, make suggestions, and ask questions of the company.

Strategic/owner issues #

Strategic, or owner-related, issues are usually dealt with to a longer time frame and include things like:

The Trust Board and Staff Council have a specific role in understanding and sharing staff insight, ideas and concerns relating to dxw’s business strategy and other ownership-related issues.

An important role of the Trustees is to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to share their views on strategic topics as owners. Trustees listen, reflect and can use this input to inform how they carry out their oversight of the Company Board. The Staff Council supports them in this role by gathering and sharing staff feedback on strategic issues, along with their own thoughts and insights.

The Trustees have quarterly formal meetings with representatives of the Company Board where they raise important matters as part of their oversight function and make sure strategic decisions are made with employee owners’ views in mind. Where issues are important and urgent they will raise them as needed in between these meetings.

Operational issues #

Operational issues are things relating to the day-to-day running of the company, where you can expect to raise things as needed and receive timely feedback. We’re doing it right if this feels like an open and respectful ongoing conversation about how the business is operating.

The company will provide regular feedback on the main themes being raised by staff, any action being taken as a result and if not, why that’s the case. The main channels for this feedback to staff will be dxw quarterly performance updates and the People Experience roadmap meetings. Additional updates will be provided via the Company weeknote and Bikesheds (internal blog posts), as and when needed.

If you feel that you’re not getting feedback on an issue you’ve raised, please let the Head of People know. They are responsible for making sure issues raised via different routes are recorded, have an allocated owner and are responded to in a timely and appropriate way.

Who to approach about what #

Line manager/Head of #

Your first port of call will usually be your line manager or Head of. They want to hear from you and will be able to help with most things. You should approach your line manager in the first instance about issues relating to things like your day to day work, wellbeing, career progression, or pay. Where issues relate to client work, they may also involve your Delivery Lead.

Your Head of is an additional source of help and advice for both you and your line manager. If you have any concerns relating to your line manager, you should raise this with your Head of initially.

Delivery Leads #

Delivery Leads support dxw’s client project teams. They help project teams work as productively as possible and will provide support in dealing with any issues that might be getting in the way of that. You should approach your Delivery Lead about issues relating to project team work and client relationships.

People team #

The People team is there to help with issues relating to your wellbeing, career progression or pay where these can’t be resolved initially with support from your line manager, Head of and/or Delivery Lead. As well as any other HR-related issues. They can provide advice and guidance, and hands on support with finding appropriate solutions where needed.

The People team can also be contacted directly about anything you consider to be sensitive or confidential and would prefer not to raise with others.

Operational Leadership Team #

The Operational Leadership Team is responsible for overseeing the day to day running of the company to implement the business plan. You can contact them about any operational, staffing or client issues that have the potential to improve or block the delivery of our business plan objectives.

The members have a (virtual) open door policy and are happy to be contacted via Slack or email. They represent teams from across the organisation, so the chances are you will already know one of them.

Directors #

The Directors operate at a more strategic level and have overall responsibility for the leadership of the company and its performance, with a particular focus on its commercial success, external profile and reputation, and staff engagement. They manage any major issues and risks. The Operational Leadership Team will escalate issues to the Directors when they need their input or support to make decisions or act on something.

You can ask questions of the Directors yourself, or via others, at dxw monthly connect meetings, dxw quarterly performance update meetings and Finance clinics. All of the Directors have a (virtual) open door policy and are happy to be contacted via Slack or email if you think there is something they should be made aware of directly or you’d like to discuss with them.

This is where there is the most likely potential overlap with the ‘owner feedback’ raised via the Trustees. There are no hard and fast right answers here. You can raise things with both the Directors and Trustees if that makes sense. If you are uncomfortable going to Directors about a particular issue, approaching Trustees might be a good alternative.

Policies #

We hope that most specific issues can be resolved informally via the routes outlined above. But it’s important that staff feel supported and safe if they need to raise issues more formally. There are 2 main procedures you can use to do that:

Grievance Procedure #

We know that from time to time, situations can occur that seem wrong or unfair to staff. Though we hope these are rare, we recognise that sometimes a formal route might be needed to decide how best to resolve things. Our Grievance Procedure clearly outlines the steps that should be taken and the support available in these circumstances.

Whistleblowing #

Our Whistleblowing Policy allows staff to report suspected wrongdoing in the workplace which can affect others. There are quite specific circumstances where Whistleblowing applies including a criminal offence or a risk to health and safety.

How do we know how we’re doing in terms of staff sentiment? #

We measure and share how staff are feeling on key indicators via the monthly pulse survey (owned by the People team). We are also planning to introduce an annual engagement survey which will give us more granular information on things like leadership, communication, reward, performance management and wellbeing.

We will monitor the main issues being raised through this and other channels and share how we are responding and our progress via the dxw quarterly performance update and People Experience roadmap meetings.

Last updated: 5 December 2024 (history)